1. Are there any surprises for you in the list? Any activities you didn’t think of the Holy Spirit working through?
2. Are there any gifts you’re aware of the Holy Spirit working through you? Which one(s), and what has made you aware of the Spirit empowering your use of that gift?
3.Some of the gifts are things all Christians are called to do, eg evangelism, faith, giving, etc. What would mark someone as having a Spiritual gift for these things, beyond the requirements for all Christians?
4. How would you go about distinguishing between a natural talent someone has and a Spiritual gift?
5. Do you think it’s possible for someone with a particular Spiritual gift to use it without the Holy Spirit – ie effectively
turning it into a natural talent? And if so, how would you discern if this is happening?
6. What is your Spiritual gift or gifts? How would you rate your stewardship of it/them?