1. In what ways can we prepare our hearts and minds for acts of generosity?
2. How does giving reluctantly or out of a sense of obligation feel different from giving cheerfully?
3. How does reflecting on God's indescribable gift, Jesus Christ, influence your understanding and practice of generosity?
4. Reflect on a time when you sowed generously, whether with time, resources, or talents. What did you reap as a result?
5. Are there circumstances where it's difficult for you to be a cheerful giver? What steps could you take to cultivate joy in giving in these situations?
6. Can you think of a situation where your generosity resulted in both meeting someone's tangible needs and also leading to thanksgiving to God?
7. How have you seen your generosity transform the lives of others or your community?
8. Have you ever felt the prayers and affection of those you've been generous to? How did that affect your relationship with them?
9. In the light of God’s ultimate generosity, how can you improve your acts of giving in your daily life? How can you better embody the heart of generosity?