What does Paul mean when he says that we are not to partake of the Lord’s Supper in an “unworthy manner”?
What does he mean when he says we are to “recognise the body”? What is the body we are to recognise?
In what way is a person to examine himself? Is this an examination to see whether he/she is worthy of taking the Lord’s Supper, or is this something different?
On what basis then should children be part of the Lord’s Supper celebration?
Why is the context of our passage so important to understand when applying it to the Lord’s Supper?
Is the Lord’s Supper meal we share today, the same meal Jesus’ disciples shared when he was on earth? Why or why not?
What does Jesus mean when he says “The bread is his body”?
What does Jesus mean when he says “This cup is the new covenant in my blood”?
How does this covenantal language help us understand what happened on the cross?
How is our partcipation in the Lord’s Supper an evangelistic event?