1) Re-read v1-5. Paul lists describes the Macedonian church and her circumstances. What was the 
motivating this church to be so radically generous?

2) In v6-7 Paul links generous giving as one aspect of being a disciple of Christ. In what ways does giv-
ing generously help ‘complete’ us in grace?

3) How does our giving relate to our relationship with Jesus? How does generous giving glorify God?

4) What is one step you can take today to grow in generosity?

5) How does the gospel focussed giving increase our love for God and for people while decreasing our 
love for self and possessions?

6) In v10-11 we learn that the Corinthian church is being encouraged to “finish the task” of giving. To 
what extent should churches today encourage people to give today?

7) In v12-15 we see the basic principle of how much to give. What is this principle?

8) Share a story of generous Christian giving that spurred you on to give more generously.