1. What sort of things do you normally think about as you walk into church?
2. What do you really love about church at the moment?
3. What do you find hard (if anything) about church at the moment?
4. When the New Testament Christians walked into church, they weren’t walking into a purpose-built religious-looking building. Mostly they were walking into someone’s home. How do you think this would have affected the way they thought about walking into church?
5. What do you think God is thinking about as you walk into church?
6. Read Ephesians 5:25-27 and 1 Corinthians 3:10-17. What do these passages teach about God’s attitude towards the church?
7. What difference would it make, do you think, if you were to pray as you walked into church?
8. Think about the people at your church:
a. Who is new in the past 12 months? Do you know why they came to your church?
b. What do new people tend to do at the end of your church service?
c. Think about your own habits at church:
d. Where do you normally sit? Why there?
e. Who do you normally speak with?
f. What do you tend to do after the meeting finishes?
9. What would change for you if you prayed about who to talk to and where to sit each Sunday?