1) Exodus 12 institutes the Passover, an annual festival where Israel was supposed to remember what God had done for them. What rituals/celebrations/events do you have in your life to help you remember what God has done for you?
2) How do symbols and activities help to teach children important truths? How do they help adults remember?
3) How did faith and deeds both play a part in the Passover? How do they play a part in the salvation of a Christian?
4) What part does obedience play in obtaining deliverance? What part does obedience play after salvation?
5) Which aspects of the Passover story have parallels in Jesus’ substitutionary atonement?
6) Why was Israel granted grace? Was it their ancestry or their goodness? Why are Christians granted grace?
7) In what way is every person like Pharaoh?
8) How is a firstborn regarded differently from other offspring, both technically and psychologically? What other places in the Bible deal with a firstborn or firstfruits?
9) What are the similarities between Passover and the Lord’s Supper? How can familiarity with Passover make celebrating the Lord’s Supper more meaningful?