1. How many of the Ten Commandments do you know? Beyond memorizing them, how else can they be made profitable?
2. How are God’s holiness and grace demonstrated in His giving Israel the Ten Words? Why is it important to remember that God delivered Israel from slavery first, then gave the Ten Words?
3. What is the connection between God saying, “All the earth is Mine,” and our status as a “kingdom of priests”? What is our mandate?
4. How does obedience to the four “vertical” commands cause a person to obey the six “horizontal” commands? That is, how does the first “greatest command” give rise to the second?
5. How does the first command address atheism, agnosticism, and idolatry? What do people in your culture tend to worship, and how do they express that worship?
6. How is jealousy a virtue in God but generally a vice in humans? Why is it good for God to demand His own worship and defend His own glory?
7. How does human pride subvert each of the commands? How are coveting and stealing related to the first command?
8. How do you observe your Sabbath? Which receives more time and emphasis: rest or worship?
9. Why is it not always helpful to distinguish moral law, civil law, and ceremonial law? Which category does each of the Ten Words fall in?
10.`Why does the perfect righteousness incorporated in the Ten Words cause people to lose hope? What restores that hope?