Q1. Why is it significant that this happened just before the Passover Festival?
Q2. Look at the second half of v1. In what way is Jesus’ love for “his own” different to his love for “the world”?
Q3. What does it mean that he loved them to the end?
Q4. V2 indicates that the devil put the idea of betraying Jesus into Judas’ heart, but in v18 we see that this was to fulfill the word of God in Psalm 41:9. So was it God’s will for the devil to put this thought into Judas’ heart? Discuss.
Q5. What do you think Jesus wanted his disciples to learn with the foot washing episode? Was it about servanthood, or was it about what he was about to do on the cross?
Q6. What does it mean to you to be washed clean by Jesus?
Q7. How does it change our lives to know that not only are Christians clean, they are “completely clean?
Q8. Jesus tells his disciples to “wash one another’s feet”. What do you think this means?
Q9. How does this apply to us today?