1. In verse 6, Jesus calls himself “the way, the truth, and the life.” What does this statement mean?
2. Why does he group these three words together to describe himself?
3. How does Jesus describe his relationship with the Father?
4. How does this shape how we see ourselves when we are Christians?
5. What does it mean that Jesus’ disciples will do “greater works” than he would?
6. Jesus’ claim that he is the way, truth and life is very exclusive. Why is this so offensive to our world today?
7. To what extent should we try to reduce this offense and why/why not?
8. This passage begins with Jesus’ encouragement that his disciples should not be troubled. Why do you think they were troubled?
9. What is Jesus’ antidote to trouble?
10. What is one step you can take today to help you trust Jesus as the only way, truth and life?