1) How did you go in finding a practical way to serve or help someone after the service?
2) Did you manage to ask someone in conversation what you could pray for them? What effect did it have on the conversation?
3) What’s your facial ‘screen saver’ during the sermon?
4) What other practical ideas can you come up with for being a better builder during church?
5) What one or two things could you work on to be more of a ‘builder’ during the church meeting?
6) Pray for one another, that God would help you to put love into action this Sunday.
7) Pray for the people you spoke with last Sunday (and for any of their prayer points).
8) Choose at least one new thing you could do before church to prepare to build, and put it into
practice this week.
9) Choose at least one new thing you could do during church to encourage and help others, and put
it into practice this Sunday.