1.Palm Sunday is a day when we celebrate Jesus as King. Why do you think the crowds were so keen to proclaim Jesus as the king?
2.We all have expectations of what Jesus will do for us. What is the one thing you want Jesus to do for you right now?
3.Hosanna means “Salvation”. How did Jesus answer the crowds call for salvation?
4.How do you want Jesus to answer your prayer from Q2, right now? Is this a realistic expectation?
5.It has been said that God is more interested in our holiness than our happiness. Do you think this is true? Why or why not?
6.When has Jesus answered one of your prayers in an unexpected way, that ended up being far better than you could have hoped?
7.What are your “deep desires” that need to be brought to Jesus in prayer?
8.What is one step you can commit to taking this week, to living as if Jesus really is your king?