1. Do you think Uzza’s punishment was just when he was put to death by God for touching the ark when trying to
steady it?
2. If God was so holy that he could not be touched with anything tainted by sin, why could Jesus touch people without
becoming defiled even though the cross was still ahead of him?
3. How could someone like Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, who is totally without sin, be made perfect? Wasn’t he already perfect?
4. Have there been times when you have been conscious of God’s touch? How did that manifest itself?
5. How does the knowledge of having the touch of the Holy Spirit always with you influence the way you live?
6. Knowing that God touches people through us how does that influence the way we interact with them?
7. Does God only touch people through us when we share the gospel or are they touched by him whenever we’re
in their company?
8. How important do you think it is to pray for your loved ones who do not know Jesus on a regular basis? If you think it important, do you?