1. God works all things together for the good that we will be progressively changed into the likeness of Jesus. Can you
identify ways he’s working this good in you at present?
2. In verses 35 & 38-39, Paul lists terrible things that can happen to us but which cannot separate us from the love of Christ. Why doesn’t he include death in the list?
3. What difference does it make for you “That I am not my own, but belong … to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ.”?
4. Might you find this catechism question helpful in explaining the Christian faith to someone?
5. Paul says “we are God’s children, and if children, also heirs … of God and coheirs with Christ” (v16-17). He calls Jesus “the firstborn among many brothers and sisters” (v29). How does this relationship affect how you view your life as a Christian?
6. How certain are you about your salvation? (Not “how certain do you feel?”, but “how certain are you?”)
7. The catechism says Jesus has set us “free from all the power of the devil.” How does this work out in day-to-day life?